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1960's Palwin No.4 1960's bottling

Our wine buyer unearthed a most interesting find in a house in Manchester.
In 1895, the Carmel Wine Company was formed to sell wines of Rishon Le Zion and Zichron Ya’acov Wine Cellars in export markets. Offices were opened in Warsaw, Vienna and Berlin. In 1898, a wine import and marketing company was formed in London. This traded as The Palestine Wine & Trading Co.
The Palestine Wine Company started marketing wines with the brand name: PALWIN, which was an abbreviation for PALestine WINe. Palwin was the first brand sold in export markets by the Israeli wine industry. It is also the oldest brand still in existence in the kosher wine world.
One wine was differentiated from another by a series of numbers, because new immigrants had trouble reading English, but there was no problem identifying numbers.
It is believed this bottle dates from the 1960's.

This Palwin No.4 is shipped in a deluxe silk lined wooden presentation box with four wine accessories (corkscrew, wine pourer, drip stopper & wine thermometer) [worth £17.99] at no extra cost and now includes a free gift card with your personal message and tasting and storage notes.

Price: £199.77

1960's Rose of Carmel 1960's bottling

This Rose of Carmel is shipped in a deluxe silk lined wooden presentation box with four wine accessories (corkscrew, wine pourer, drip stopper & wine thermometer) [worth £17.99] at no extra cost and now includes a free gift card with your personal message and tasting and storage notes.

Price: £149.77

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